August 3, 2014
Top 5 Highlights of the Canadian Debut Book Launch of The Same Sky
After a successful book launch in New York of The Same Sky followed with a travel storytelling event in June, Vancouver was next. My old stomping ground! At…
July 27, 2014
My Last Day…After 7 Years
After I said my goodbyes and stepped onto the elevator, I cried. Big huge tears rolled down my cheeks, and I was surprised at how emotional I got. 7 years at…
July 20, 2014
Introducing My New Favorite Animal: The Sloth
When we went to Costa Rica, one of my highlights was discovering...the sloth! It appears to be so peaceful and cute with its beautiful smile. Its activities…
July 13, 2014
I Bumped into a Donkey Carrying Chickens, Goats and Sheep While Trekking in Nepal
One of the coolest things about trekking in Nepal is that you never know what to expect when walking up a mountain. Check out this donkey transporting a dozen…
July 5, 2014
On a Quest for Tea Cups When I Discovered Olives, Cheese and Nuts
On my last day in Istanbul, I turned the corner from the Galanta Bridge and discovered the Egyptian Spice Market. I needed to find these cool looking tea cups…
June 29, 2014
Cezare – an Old Friend & His Message of Hope
As soon as we walked in the door, Cezare shouted enthusiastically: "Please, sit down!" "You must stay for a long time!" and "Please, you will have lunch with…
June 21, 2014
The Same Sky Cafe: A Successful Evening of Travel Story-Telling
And the panel moderated by Alex Damian, fellow Canadian, was very interesting as we heard about Kathryn Cooper's intrepid journeys to far-flung locales while…
June 15, 2014
Happy Father’s Day!
Several years ago, I bought a tape recorder and I interviewed my dad, recording hours of dialogue about the history of my extended family and how we ended up…
June 8, 2014
Chance Encounters When We Need Them the Most
"Hey, what kind of joke is this?" I asked. "I'm not your Chinese food takeout girl." Then the man said, "Okay sorry, wrong number." By the time he hung up,…
June 1, 2014
Love is everywhere when you need it
This week has been a rough one for me in more ways than one. And I'm thankful that there are so many people who love me and remind me that I'm not alone when…